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Sesungguhnya Kami-lah yang menurunkan Al Quran, dan Sesungguhnya Kami benar-benar memeliharanya. (Al-Hijr. 9)

Segala Puja dan Puji hanya bagi Allah, Rabb Semesta Alam. Shalawat dan Salam terlimpah bagi Nabi Akhir Zaman, Muhammad Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam beserta sahabat-sahabatnya.

Al-Qur’an sebuah kitab yang sampai saat ini terjamin keasliannya dan kemurniannya semata-mata hanya sebuah karunia Allah SWT kepada umat manusia. Kemurnian dan keaslian Al-Qur’an di pelihara oleh Allah dengan cara yang simple-simpel saja, salah satu caranya, yaitu: Melalui hafalan kaum muslimin dan muslimat.

Dengan memberikan daya ingat yang kuat kepada orang-orang yang di kehendaki oleh Allah maka sesungguhnya Allah telah menjaga Al-Qur’an tersebut. Manusia-manusia yang hafal Al-Qur’an sama halnya seperti orang awam yang ingat dengan (kepada) angka 0-9 atau A-Z. Demikian mudanya bagi para penghafal Al-Qur’an, maka tak satu tanda baca dan tak satu hurufpun yang tidak lepas dari pengawasannya.

Ketika Al-Qur’an di turunkan kepada Rasulullah SAW dan sampai saat ini hingga hari kiamat kelak, tak satu hurufpun yang berubah, hal ini sudah cukup menjadikannya Penghulu Para Nabi dan Rasul. Dan ketika ajarannya (Al-Qur’an) banyak terdapat ilmu pengetahuan maka itu sudah cukup menjadi selendang kebesarannya. Dan apabila suatu kejadian yang di terangkan oleh Al-Qur’an pada masa turunnya wahyu tersebut dan wahyu tersebut di uji secara ilmiah pada masa kini dan sama baiknya hasil yang di peroleh dari keterangan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an itu, maka tidak ada alasan bagi manusia untuk menolak ajarannya.

15:20. Dan Kami telah menjadikan untukmu di bumi keperluan-keperluan hidup, dan (Kami menciptakan pula) makhluk-makhluk yang kamu sekali-kali bukan pemberi rezeki kepadanya.

 Ketika Sulaiman menghampiri seekor semut dan memasukannya kedalam sebuah wadah dan memberi makan dengan sebiji gandum. Maka setelah beberapa hari berlalu dia dapati sebiji gandum tinggal setengahnya maka berkatalah Sulaiman “Mengapa engkau tidak menghabiskan makananmu?” Semut berkata “Aku takut menghabiskannya dalam keadaanku seperti ini, berlainan dengan keadaanku di luar aku tidak ragu kepada Rabbku.” Jawab Semut.

15:22. Dan Kami telah meniupkan angin untuk mengawinkan (tumbuh-tumbuhan) dan Kami turunkan hujan dari langit, lalu Kami beri minum kamu dengan air itu, dan sekali-kali bukanlah kamu yang menyimpannya.

Teknologi yang ada saat ini sudah cukup untuk membuktikan bahwa angin memang terlibat di dalam penyerbukan pada proses pembuahan tumbuh-tumbuhan. (Setiap Proses yang melibatkan mahklukNya Allah SWT menggunakan kata ganti KAMI).

Disebabkan kritikan yang paling tajam ditujukan kepada riwayat dari Bukhari, maka sangat perlu kiranya mengutip kembali apa riwayat dari al-Bukhari. Al-Bukhari menyatakan:

Abu Bakr al-Siddiq memberitahu Zayd ibn Thabit mengenai kematian para sahabat dalam perang Yarnamah. Saat itu `Umar berada disisinya. Abu Bakr berkata: “Sesungguhnya ‘Umar telah mendatangiku seraya berkata bahwa banyak para Qurra’ telah meninggal pada perang Yamamah; dan aku sesungguhnya khawatir jika para Qurra’ akan meninggal pada perang-perang yang lain, sehingga banyak dari AI­ Qur’an akan hilang. Sesungguhnya aku (Umar) berpendapat supaya kamu (Abu Bakr) mengumpulkan AI-Qur’an.” Aku (Abu Bakr) berkata kepada `Umar: “Bagaimana kita menger­jakan sesuatu yang Rasulullah saw belum mengerjakan?” `Umar berkata: “Demi Allah ini sesungguhnya baik”. `Umar tetap membujuk sehingga Allah melapangkan dadaku menge­nai hal tersebut. Dan aku berpendapat sebagaimana pendapat `Umar. Zayd berkata: “Kemudian Abu Bakr berkata kepada­ku: “Sesungguhnya engkau lelaki muda dan rasional yang kami tidak mencelamu. Engkau juga telah menulis wahyu kepada Rasulullah saw. maka telusurilah dan kumpulkanlah AI-Qur’an. ” Zayd bin Thabit berkata: “Demi Allah, seandai­nya mereka membebaniku dengan memindahkan gunung, itu tidaklah lebih berat dibanding dengan menyuruhku me­ngumpulkan AI-Qur’an.” Aku (Zayd) mengatakan: “Bagai­rnana kamu mengerjakan sesuatu yang Rasulullah saw belum berbuat?” Dia (Abu Bakr) berkata: “Demi Allah ini adalah baik. ” Abu Bakr masih saja membujukku sehingga Allah melapangkan hatiku sebagaimana dilapangkannya hati Abu Bakr dan `Umar. Aku lalu mencari AI-Qur’an dengan mengumpulkan tulisan yang tertulis di pelepah-pelepah kurma, batu-batu tulis dan yang tersimpan (dalam bentuk hafalan) di dada dada manusia, lalu aku kumpulkan. Akhirnya kutemukan bagian akhir surah al-Tawbah pada Abu Khuzaunah al-Ansari, yang tidak kudapatkan pada orang lain ( ) sehingga akhir surat al-Bara’ah. Setelah itu, Suhuf tersebut dipegang Abu Bakr sampai wafatnya, lalu dipegang `Umar semasa hidup­nya, kemudian dipegang Hafsah binti `Umar. “

Penulis: Filar Biru

Gigitlah dengan gigi geraham dengan Kuat


  1. Tolong ditanggapi blog karena telah menggoyahkan keislaman saya..

  2. Assalamu’alaikum Mas Filar…
    dah lama nih nggak jalan-jalan. Sip terus deh dengan postingannya.
    Al Qur’an terjaga dengan para hafiz – penghafal Al Qur’an
    Terjaga dengan dan oleh ummatnya yang teguh terhadap kalam illahiah.
    Terjaga oleh sumber informasi yang sejalan dengan kuantitas dan kualitas ilmu dan teknologi yang kian berkembang, malah membuat AQ semakin tampak kekokohannya didalam dinamika keilmuan.
    Terjaga oleh bilangan matematika, bilangan prima, dan filsafat matematika.
    Terjaga karena memang Allah menjaganya.
    Wassalam, agor

  3. @ Agor

    Wa’alaikumssalam wr wb

    setuju dengan mas agor


  4. assalamu alaikum mas kalo anjuran saya jangan sering berdebat dengan orang yang buta dan tuli matahatinya lebih baik jangan di olok2 soale nanti bukan anda yang di olok2 tapi Tuhan mas

  5. bagus

  6. Assalam-o-Alykum, my name is Muhammad Qasim I am from Pakistan. Sorry my English is not good.

    Its happened with me, from last 26+ years Allah and Muhammad s.a.w keep coming into my dreams, over 460+ times Allah comes in my dreams and 250+ times Mohammad s.a.w comes in my dreams, when I was about 12 years old I saw first time Allah and Mohammad s.a.w both in dream, after that in 93 when I was 17 years old Allah and Mohammad s.a.w starts coming continuously in my dreams and still Allah and Muhammad s.a.w coming into my dreams.

    Muhammad s.a.w is the last Messenger of Allah and its my Imaan Mohammad s.a.w is the last Prophet of Allah and I am the Ummati of Muhammad s.a.w

    In 2007 Allah and Mohammad s.a.w starts teaching me in dreams what u have to do and what u have not to do, Mostly Allah and Muhammad s.a.w told me to avoid from all type of form of shirk and in april-2014 Allah and Mohammad s.a.w start to telling me in dreams qasim share your dreams to everyone than I started to share my dreams to my family members, friends and some other people, I also share my dreams through email to Pak Army official sites, Pak Govt sites, Pakistan’s big name people, and many Islamic Countries official websites but seems like no one was believing on me and my dreams they all ignore me, after that I stopped sharing my dreams.

    Dec-2014 Mohammad s.a.w comes twice time in dream in a night and told me “qasim you should have to share ur dreams to everyone to save Pakistan to save Islam” I got confused I talked my self I share my dreams to many people and they are not believing on it what should I do more? and then Peshawar school got attacked and then I think and decided to share my dreams on Internet forums, but still people not believing on me and my dreams.

    Let me clear I am a simple person I am not a religious person, clean shaved, did not praying regularly, no tahajjud I just tell the truth to everyone and I didnot lie, I dont know why Allah and Mohammad s.a.w keeps coming into my dreams.

    I didnot look at Allah I just feel in my dreams Allah is on Arsh and voice coming from there or I saw Noor(light) and voice coming from Noor(light) or Allah talk to me from the sky. I did not look at Mohammad s.a.w face I can see Mohammad s.a.w Body, in one dream I hug with Muhammad s.a.w and my whole body witness me that u r hugging with Mohammad s.a.w I shake hands many times with Mohammad s.a.w in dreams and my hand witness me that u r shaking hand with Mohammad s.a.w.

    In 1994 Allah talked to me in dream from the sky I still remember those words I try to translate it in English “qasim which promises I make with you one day I will full fill my promises and if I cant full fill my promises I will not the Lord of the whole universe”

    From that day I start waiting for the Allah and I didnot lose my hope but whenever I about to lose my hope Allah or Mohammad s.a.w comes into my dreams and told me like that “Sabbrun Jameel qasim” , “qasim only Non-Muslim loses their hope” , “qasim Muslim cant be lose his hope”.

    I saw many other Nabi and Rasool in dreams but I only look at Suleiman A.S face. I saw Esa A.S in my dreams many times.

    In many dreams Allah and Mohammad s.a.w guided me which is the right path.

    In many dreams Allah told me qasim go and turns the world into light as the world in the darkness.

    Many dreams related to my personal life many dreams related to Pakistan/Muslim world and the whole world but its start from Pakistan and many dreams related to Qiammah(the judgment day).

    Allah and Muhammad s.a.w told me many times in dreams qasim one day you will get out the Whole Muslim Ummah from the darkness and then even the whole world and one day the whole world will become peaceful. but its starts from Pakistan.

    In few dreams i saw when whole world will become peaceful a man coming from somewhere else and try to destroy the world peace.

    In few dreams I saw Esa A.S(Jesus a.s) coming from the sky and Yajooj Majooj (gog magog) come out and spread the whole world and I with very few people join the Esa A.S(Jesus a.s) and then we live with Esa A.S …..

    In Feb 2015 Allah told me in dream qasim u will be the last Ummati of Muhammad s.a.w who will die on this earth. means after my death there will b no Muslim left on the earth but only bad people, and Qiyamah will establish on them.

    In another dream Allah told me qasim I(Allah) will full fill my all promises within next 13 years which I (Allah) makes with you.

    In Feb 2015 Muhammad s.a.w.w told me in dream “qasim my son dont lose ur hope u r very close to ur destiny Allah is helping u, my son just wait a little more.

    1993 when dreams starts I make a note book and I note my dreams on that note book how much time Allah comes in dreams and how much time Mohammad s.a.w comes in my dreams but few years back I lost that note book during the shifting. total drams are more than 800+ I still remember many many dreams.

    Many people told me you are mentally ill or its shaitan, that is why u are seeing these dreams. I confirmed it to many people I am not mentally ill and its not shaitaan. I believe Allah and Mohammad s.a.w and They are coming in my dreams, I am still unable to understand why Allah wanted it from me to share my dreams to others? maybe there is a big message in my dreams.

    Many years back in one dream Allah told me qasim before sleep read last 3 Qull and then sleep so shaitaan stay away from you, and I am doing this from last many years.

    Allah told me in many dreams like that “qasim one day I will help u and will give u the success and I will full fill my all promises even if the only one day left from Qiyammah (the judgment day) and the whole world will see your success” , but
    Allah didnot told me when that day will come, and I am waiting for Allah from last 20 years.

    Its a long long journey for me and still I am waiting for Allah I didnot losses my hope from last 20 years and dont know when and how I will reach to my destiny, I dont even know what is my destiny, only Allah knows better.

    my fb page

    my blog



  7. Assalam-o-Alykum, my name is Muhammad Qasim I am from Pakistan. Sorry my English is not good.

    Its happened with me, from last 26+ years Allah and Muhammad s.a.w keep coming into my dreams, over 460+ times Allah comes in my dreams and 250+ times Mohammad s.a.w comes in my dreams, when I was about 12 years old I saw first time Allah and Mohammad s.a.w both in dream, after that in 93 when I was 17 years old Allah and Mohammad s.a.w starts coming continuously in my dreams and still Allah and Muhammad s.a.w coming into my dreams.

    Muhammad s.a.w is the last Messenger of Allah and its my Imaan Mohammad s.a.w is the last Prophet of Allah and I am the Ummati of Muhammad s.a.w

    In 2007 Allah and Mohammad s.a.w starts teaching me in dreams what u have to do and what u have not to do, Mostly Allah and Muhammad s.a.w.w told me to avoid from all type of form of shirk and in april-2014 Allah and Mohammad s.a.w start to telling me in dreams qasim share your dreams to everyone than I started to share my dreams to my family members, friends and some other people, I also share my dreams through email to Pak Army official sites, Pak Govt sites, Pakistan’s big name people, and many Islamic Countries official websites but seems like no one was believing on me and my dreams they all ignore me, after that I stopped sharing my dreams.

    Dec-2014 Mohammad s.a.w comes twice time in dream in a night and told me “qasim you should have to share ur dreams to everyone to save Pakistan to save Islam” I got confused I talked my self I share my dreams to many people and they are not believing on it what should I do more? and then Peshawar school got attacked and then I think and decided to share my dreams on Internet forums, but still people not believing on me and my dreams.

    Let me clear I am a simple person I am not a religious person, clean shaved, did not praying regularly, no tahajjud I just tell the truth to everyone and I didnot lie, I dont know why Allah and Mohammad s.a.w keeps coming into my dreams.

    I didnot look at Allah I just feel in my dreams Allah is on Arsh and voice coming from there or I saw Noor(light) and voice coming from Noor(light) or Allah talk to me from the sky. I did not look at Mohammad s.a.w face I can see Mohammad s.a.w Body, in one dream I hug with Muhammad s.a.w.w and my whole body witness me that u r hugging with Mohammad s.a.w I shake hands many times with Mohammad s.a.w in dreams and my hand witness me that u r shaking hand with Mohammad s.a.w.

    In 1994 Allah talked to me in dream from the sky I still remember those words I try to translate it in English “qasim which promises I make with you one day I will full fill my promises and if I cant full fill my promises I will not the Lord of the whole universe”

    From that day I start waiting for the Allah and I didnot lose my hope but whenever I about to lose my hope Allah or Mohammad s.a.w comes into my dreams and told me like that “Sabbrun Jameel qasim” , “qasim only Non-Muslim loses their hope” , “qasim Muslim cant be lose his hope”.

    I saw many other Nabi and Rasool in dreams but I only look at Suleiman A.S face. I saw Esa A.S in my dreams many times.

    In many dreams Allah and Mohammad s.a.w guided me which is the right path.

    In many dreams Allah told me qasim go and turns the world into light as the world in the darkness.

    Many dreams related to my personal life many dreams related to Pakistan/Muslim world and the whole world but its start from Pakistan and many dreams related to Qiammah(the judgment day).

    Allah and Muhammad s.a.w told me many times in dreams qasim one day you will get out the Whole Muslim Ummah from the darkness and then even the whole world and one day the whole world will become peaceful. but its starts from Pakistan.

    In few dreams i saw when whole world will become peaceful a man coming from somewhere else and try to destroy the world peace.

    In few dreams I saw Esa A.S(Jesus a.s) coming from the sky and Yajooj Majooj (gog magog) come out and spread the whole world and I with very few people join the Esa A.S(Jesus a.s) and then we live with Esa A.S …..

    In Feb 2015 Allah told me in dream qasim u will be the last Ummati of Muhammad s.a.w who will die on this earth. means after my death there will b no Muslim left on the earth but only bad people, and Qiyamah will establish on them.

    In another dream Allah told me qasim I(Allah) will full fill my all promises within next 13 years which I (Allah) makes with you.

    In Feb 2015 Muhammad s.a.w told me in dream “qasim my son dont lose ur hope u r very close to ur destiny Allah is helping u, my son just wait a little more.

    1993 when dreams starts I make a note book and I note my dreams on that note book how much time Allah comes in dreams and how much time Mohammad s.a.w comes in my dreams but few years back I lost that note book during the shifting. total drams are more than 800+ I still remember many many dreams.

    Many people told me you are mentally ill or its shaitan, that is why u are seeing these dreams. I confirmed it to many people I am not mentally ill and its not shaitaan. I believe Allah and Mohammad s.a.w and They are coming in my dreams, I am still unable to understand why Allah wanted it from me to share my dreams to others? maybe there is a big message in my dreams.

    Many years back in one dream Allah told me qasim before sleep read last 3 Qull and then sleep so shaitaan stay away from you, and I am doing this from last many years.

    Allah told me in many dreams like that “qasim one day I will help u and will give u the success and I will full fill my all promises even if the only one day left from Qiyammah (the judgment day) and the whole world will see your success” , but Allah didnot told me when that day will come, and I am waiting for Allah from last 20 years.

    Its a long long journey for me and still I am waiting for Allah I didnot losses my hope from last 20 years and dont know when and how I will reach to my destiny, I dont even know what is my destiny, only Allah knows better.

    my fb page

    my blog



  8. Katanya Alquran tidak pernah dirubah/direvisi dari pertama x diturunkan sampai sekarang tetap terjaga keasliannya, tak ada satu hurup bahkan satu titikpun yang hilang, lalu bagaimana, dengan ayat-ayat yang dihapus, dan bagaimana dengan nasakh dan mansukh, coba dijelaskan.

  9. mas irfan qs al an am 114 : “Maka patutkah aku mencari hakim selain daripada Allah, padahal Dialah yang telah menurunkan kitab (Al Quran) kepadamu dengan terperinci? Orang-orang yang telah Kami datangkan kitab kepada mereka, mereka mengetahui bahwa Al Quran itu diturunkan dari Tuhanmu dengan sebenarnya. Maka janganlah kamu sekali-kali termasuk orang yang ragu-ragu.”
    itu sih pendapat filsafat mu sadra syiah selalu menyempal,

  10. al quran versi usman bin affan sebenarnya tulisan penginjil kristen dari yaman untuk kristen kriste arab mekah..trus di ubah oleh wahabi saudi tahun 1820 untuk di pakai sebagai doktrin memberontak kepada kafilaah otoman turki , di edit untuk kepentingan dan doktrin islam jihad..!!!jadi yang menciptkan terror adalah wahabi…murtadlah bro kembali pada yesus agama kasih..!!!

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